Run Until You Sell? 🤔 Decide Now (January 2, 2025)

Here’s what we will cover today:

  • Define your end-game vision for your business

  • Craft your vision and roadmap to success with this template

  • See how Gen Z is reviving shopping malls

Quote of the Day

“Timing, perseverance, and ten years of trying will eventually make you look like an overnight success.”
~Biz Stone

Today’s Tip

Entrepreneurs and business owners must ask themselves 2 questions every year:

  1. What is the end game? For example, is my goal to run this company until I die? Do I want to eventually sell my company? Or do I want to pass it down to family members?

  2. How do I build VALUE that multiple acquirers would want and/or that will make my business easier to run and have more predictable revenues in the future? Building value is different than simply running a business or just seeking profits. It includes building things like revenues, a customer base, marketing skills, intellectual property, and operational processes among other things.

Processing these questions requires intentional reflection and a willingness to confront the future of your business with clarity and honesty. Take time to evaluate your long-term vision and align it with your personal goals and values. Think beyond day-to-day operations. What would make your business indispensable to others? Building value isn’t just about short-term profits; it’s about creating a legacy of stability and growth. 

Consider where your business stands today and identify gaps in areas like scalability, customer loyalty, or market differentiation. This self-assessment will guide your strategy, helping you make decisions that strengthen your business’s future and its appeal to others.

Today’s Resource

Kickstart 2025 with the Ultimate Business Plan Template

Ready to dominate the New Year? My template has helped over 100,000 entrepreneurs turn ideas into action. Whether you're launching a new venture or scaling an existing one, it gives you a clear roadmap to success.

Craft your vision, set your goals, and outline your strategy, all in one place. It’s easy to follow, powerful in execution, and proven to deliver results.

Take the guesswork out of planning and enter 2025 with confidence!

Need data to back your plan? Our market research services have you covered.


Today’s Question: In January of 2018, Amazon, JP Morgan, and what third corporate behemoth announced a plan to work together on providing transparent healthcare plans to employees?

Previous Question: What set of processes was introduced by Motorola employee Bill Smith in 1986 and solidified its spot in the business world after Jack Welch made it a central part of his strategy at General Electric in 1995?

Previous Answer: Six Sigma

Six Sigma is a set of tools and techniques for process improvement. It was introduced by Bill Smith, while he was working at Motorola in 1986. Six Sigma was made central to business strategy at General Electric by Jack Welch in 1995.


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