Small Efforts, Big Rewards (June 13, 2024)

Here’s what we will cover today:

  • Learn one of Henry Ford's tactics for success.

  • Learn what “S.O.S.” means in business

  • Discover a unique place where VCs are investing

Quote of the Day

"Obviously everyone wants to be successful, but I want to be looked back on as being very innovative, very trusted and ethical and ultimately making a big difference in the world.”

~Sergey Brin

Today’s Tip

In the pursuit of success, it's easy to get caught up in grand strategies and ambitious plans. 

However, one key lesson from Henry Ford's wisdom is that paying attention to the often-overlooked details can lead to significant gains. Every business is built on a foundation of countless small components, interactions, and choices that can collectively make or break its trajectory.

To stand out in a competitive landscape, make a conscious effort to zoom in on the finer points of your operations. Whether it's the quality of customer service, the user experience of your website, the precision of your product design, or the clarity of your communication, these simple elements can set you apart and contribute to your success. 

Regularly review and refine these details to ensure they align with your goals and resonate with your target audience.

Remember, it's not just about the big picture, but the accumulation of many thoughtful, well-executed small actions that can ultimately lead to your success. By focusing on these often-neglected aspects, you can position yourself to achieve success that stands the test of time.

Today’s Resource

How to Build a $10 Million+ Company

What’s the difference between successful multi-millionaire entrepreneurs and the typical small business owner just struggling to get by?

Well, there are a LOT of differences, actually…

But I’ve summarized the main differences on this page:

How to Build a $10 Million+ Company 👈 The really interesting part is that you don’t have to work yourself to death to grow a wildly successful, eight-figure business...

In fact, when you follow this formula, you can make much more by working less…


Today’s Question: In an effort to show the commercial potential of the soybean, which famous American inventor and businessman attended a 1939 convention in a suit and tie made with soy “silk” fibers?

Previous Question: What do the initials S.O.S. stand for in the brand of steel-wool soap pads marketed under the same name?

Previous Answer: S.O.S. stands for “Save Our Saucepans.” Being able to associate what you do with an existing expression can be helpful in getting people to remember you.

Tools of the Day

WPEngine - the hosting platform we use for most of our WordPress-based websites.

Descript - Descript is an AI-powered, fully featured, end-to-end video editor.


Iceland becoming a venture capital hotbed? Iceland’s startup scene is all about making the most of the country’s resources

Amazon unveiled Project P.I. Learn how Amazon uses AI to spot damaged products before they’re shipped to customers

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